A / B Testing
Introduction to A/B testing
A/B testing is the method of comparing two versions of a software or app against each other to indicate which one performs better. Every company has different marketing goals. We can't always ask our customers what they think of our site or emails. For this situation A/B testing plays the major role to improve our content and build a strategy.
A/B testing also known as split tests. It's allow to compare two version of something to learn which is more effective. I simply conclude that do you like version A or version B?
How A/B testing works
In A/B testing we take a webpage or app screen and modify it to create a second version of the same page. For example if you want to change the image and it's caption font, you may create four pages
- Arial with images.
- Arial without images.
- Times new roman with images.
- Times new roman without images.
These changes can be as simple as a single button, or complete redesign of the page. Then half of our traffic is shown the original version of the page and half of are shown the modified version of the page.
Page viewers can see either original or modified version, their involvement with each version measured and collected in an analytics dashboard and analyzed through a statistical engine. Via this company can determine whether changing the experience had a positive, negative or no effect on page viewer behavior.
Importance of A/B test
A/B test is allows individual, teams and companies to make careful changes to their user experiences while collecting data on the results. This allows to the construct hypotheses.
A/B testing can be used to continually improve through given experience. and A/B tests give you the data which we need to make the most of the market budget.
A/B testing is not only cost effective, it's time efficient.We can make our website as effective as it can be, and also we can get more conversion per visitor.
A/B test Methods
A/B testing process is just the scientific method
The whole process consists of several steps:
- Identify a problem
- Analyze user data
- Develop a hypothesis to test
- Conduct the test
- Analyze he data
- Find new challengers for your champion