
Showing posts from April, 2020

Easy understanding of MVC design architecture

There are lots of principle and methodology in software engineering field. Through this blog I am going to describe MVC design pattern. Real life example : Let's consider you are going to buy a suit for your wedding. You supposed to go your favorite tailor's shop and choose your desired suit's design which is shown by helper boy. Helper boy handed over the chosen design to that tailor( Controller ). Tailor collect the suitable items such as cloths material, needle, thread, button ,zip ( Model collect the information from database ).Then tailor stich the suit and give it to helper boy( VIEW ). Helper boy pack that suit with covered bag and give it to you. The same scenario is happening in MVC design architecture. MVC is an architectural design pattern. It's separate application into three main different components such as Model, View, Controller.  These components are having specific functionalities.  Model Model is simple class. It's contain busin...

Software Architecture

Software Architecture consists of one tier, two tier, three tier and N-tier architecture.A "  Tier  " is referred as layer . Three layers involved application namely  Presentation layer                                                                                                  Business layer                                                                                                  Data layer Presentation Layer It's also known as Client Layer. Top most of an application.T...

Easy understanding of SOAP API and REST API

In IT field API is the magical term. I too wonder what is that. So I'm gonna help you to understand this magical word very easily. Before I move to the main topic , I clearly explain what is the meaning of API. API API stands for Application Programming Interface. We can clearly understand through this acronyms API is a interface.  In real world, let we assume that you are in a restaurant. So what we do first? Yes, we used to call a person who serve the food. Then we request him our favourite food item. waiter is carrying that request to kitchen and come back to our table with that requested food.  So, through this example you can understand that waiter is the interface between the customer and cook. Waiter is carrying our request then respond back to us. Like wise, API is the interface between the client and server. Now we move to main topic one by one. SOAP API and REST API 01) SOAP API SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. This is the XML...

S.O.L.I.D Object Oriented Design

You can see many of the articles which are related to SOLID principle. But you may have bit of confusion that actually what does it mean. So , I'm going to help you to understand this topic so I hope you can easily understand.  In university level we may not to aware of this principle, but when you are going to industry it should be major concept for writing code. Because, industry level projects are being developed by many developers, testers and designers concurrently. So our code should not affect each other codes. If there any new features added into existing system it won't affect to entire project.  So let me move to main topic. SOLID SOLID stands for S  : Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). O : Open for extends and Close for modification. L  : Liskov's substitution. I   : Interface Segregation principle. D : Dependency Inversion Principle. Now, let check all one by one with simple example. 01) S : Single Responsibility P...