
Showing posts from January, 2018

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It used to provide network configuration information's to clients automatically.For an example, if a device comes into the network, a server send the all the network parameter to he device, rather than configure IP address,subnet mask and DNS IP manually or statically through network administrator,this is what call as DHCP. It uses UDP(User Datagram Protocol) DHCP server used port number 67 and DHCP client used port number 68.It reduces the load for Network Administrator and easy to assign IP addresses for large networks. DHCP uses DORA process : D - D iscover O - O ffer R - R equest A - A cknowledgement                                                     ...

Draw a highcharts using php array

Here I would like to share my knowledge about the printing highchart in off-line in your specific server and draw the highchart according to the data which is inside the array. My raw array is "result":[["2018-01-25","NOVEL",103406],["2018-01-25","CRIMINAL",10371846],["2018-01-24","CRIMINAL",3145733],["2018-01-23","CRIMINAL",9437187],["2018-01-22","NOVEL",7768],["2018-01-22","CRIMINAL",12731204],["2018-01-21","NOVEL",9004],["2018-01-21","CRIMINAL",8106865],["2018-01-20","NOVEL",15488],["2018-01-20","CRIMINAL",5011413],["2018-01-19","CRIMINAL",6291461],["2018-01-18","NOVEL",16764],["2018-01-18","CRIMINAL",15535024],["2018-01-17","CRIMINAL",9437189],["2018-01-16","CRIMINAL",12582...