
Showing posts from December, 2017

Ubuntu 17.04

I'm a Ubuntu user. Here I would like to share some of my experience when I started to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 17.04. Suddenly laptop power loss when it installing   I forget to check my battery percentage so it was shutdown. I plugged laptop power and here I am going to tell you what are the steps I did to resolve this issue. press ctrl+Alt and T  (It will show the Terminal of root type your user name and password. sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get upgrade sudo dpkg --configure -a Then it will install as normally. Failed to connect WiFi and USB donggle I tried many solution but It won't worked. Here I'm going to tell you which code I used to resolve this issue. sudo systemd-resolve  check whether you have got this kind of output If you don't get this you have to check whether wifi.scan-rand-mac-address is on or not. so you have to type sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf   then make it...

Introduction to PuTTy

PuTTY PuTTY is a free open source terminal emulator, serial console and network transfer application. It supports several networks protocols such as: SCP SSH Telnet rlogin and row socket connection Download PuTTY and install into Ubuntu We have to download it from PuTTY official website which is Extract it by using this command : tar xvzf putty-0.70.tar.gz  change the folder cd putty-0.70  install sudo make install How to use PuTTY Press window button on your keyboard. Search putty then you will see the image of putty software open it and fill your Host name and Port number and select your connection type and press open You will see this terminal window. Here you have to type user name and password. Then you can access the server via this.