Ubuntu 17.04
I'm a Ubuntu user. Here I would like to share some of my experience when I started to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 17.04. Suddenly laptop power loss when it installing I forget to check my battery percentage so it was shutdown. I plugged laptop power and here I am going to tell you what are the steps I did to resolve this issue. press ctrl+Alt and T (It will show the Terminal of root type your user name and password. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo dpkg --configure -a Then it will install as normally. Failed to connect WiFi and USB donggle I tried many solution but It won't worked. Here I'm going to tell you which code I used to resolve this issue. sudo systemd-resolve www.google.com check whether you have got this kind of output If you don't get this you have to check whether wifi.scan-rand-mac-address is on or not. so you have to type sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf then make it...